1. Principles and Codes of Practices for Planning and Designing of Buildings (Residential and Public Buildings)
1.1 Study of IS 962: 1989 – Code of Practice for Architectural and Building Drawings; How to develop Line
plan into actual Plan, Elevation, Section etc. including all the constructional details of various components in
a Building
1.2 Principles of Planning for Residential Buildings
1.3 Classification of Buildings: Residential – Individual Bungalows and Apartments/Flats.
Public – Education (Schools, Colleges etc.) and Health (Primary Health Center, Hospital) Related Buildings
1.4 Study and Drawing of Site Plan, Foundation, Plan, Roof Plan of Building;
Study of Building Bye – laws, Zoning Regulations and permissions required from commencement to
completion of the building according to National Building Code (N.B.C.) of India and local Development
Control (D.C.) rules
1.5 Study of sun path diagram, wind rose diagram and sun shading devices
1.6 Calculation of setback distances, carpet area, built-up area and floor spaceindex (FSI)
1.7 Study of Principles of planning for public buildings:
(i) Building for education: schools, colleges, institutions etc.
(ii) Buildings for health: hospitals, primary health centers etc.
2. Components and Services of a Building
2.1 Staircase (Dog-legged) Planning, Designing and Drawing in Details
2.2 Foundations: Stepped Footing, Isolated Sloped Footing and Combined Footing
2.3 Openings: Doors and Windows
2.4 Types of Pitched Roof and their Suitability (Plan and Section)
2.5 Building Services: Water Supply, Sanitary and Electrical Layouts
3. Perspective Drawings
3.1 One-point Perspective Drawing
3.2 Two-point Perspective Drawing
4. Town Planning, Architectural Planning and Built Environment
4.1 Objectives and planning of Town Planning
4.2 Master plan, Re-Development of Buildings, Slum Rehabilitation.
4.3 Architectural Planning: Introduction and Principles
4.4 Built Environment: Introduction and Principles
5. Green Buildings
5.1 Introduction, Uses, Objectives of Green Buildings and Overview
5.2 Study of Certification Methods such as LEED, TERI, GRIHA, IGBC.
6. Computer Aided Drawing (CAD)
6.1 Details and Learning Methods of CAD in Civil Engineering Structures
6.2 Study and Demonstration of any one of the Professional CAD Software’s
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