A Practical Book of MEDICINAL BIOCHEMISTRY As Per PCI Regulations First Year Pharm. D. | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Manjunatha P. Mudagal, Mr. T. Haribabu
ISBN 13 9789361093227
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition First
Pages 60
Language English
Publishing Year Jul-24

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1. Qualitative analysis of normal organic constituents of urine.
2. Qualitative analysis of normal inorganic constituents of urine.
3. Qualitative analysis of abnormal constituents of urine.
4. Quantitative estimation of urine creatinine by Jaffe’s method.
5. Quantitative estimation of urine sugar by BQR method.
6. Quantitative estimation of urine chlorides by Volhard’s method.
7. Quantitative estimation of urine calcium by precipitation method.
8. Preparation of Folin-WU filtrate from blood.
9. Quantitative estimation of blood creatinine.
10. Quantitative estimation of blood by sugar Folin-WU’S method.
11. Estimation of urea in serum.
12. Estimation of SGPT in serum.
13. Estimation of SGOT in serum.
14. Estimation of carbohydrates by Nelson Somogyi’s method.
15. Estimation of proteins in serum.
16. Quantitative estimation of serum cholesterol by Liebermann Burchard’s method.
17. Determination of serum bilirubin.
18. Determination of calcium in serum.
19. Determination of sodium and potassium in serum.
20. Determination of glucose by glucoseoxidase.
21. Enzymatic hydrolysis of glycogen/starch by amylase.
22. Study of factors affecting enzyme activity.
23. Preparation of standard buffer solutions and pH measurement.
24. Lipid profile test.

Additional information
Weight 100 g
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 0.5 cm



Semester - Year

First Year Pharm. D.


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      A Practical Book of MEDICINAL BIOCHEMISTRY As Per PCI Regulations First Year Pharm. D. | Nirali Prakashan