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Authors Name Dr. Meenakshi A. Thalor , Mahesh Gurunani , Prashant Somwanshi , Rajesh Yemul
ISBN 13 9789389108118
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Fourth
Pages 176
Language English
Publishing Year Jul-2022

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  1. Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT)

1.1     Component, Container, Window, Frame, Panel.

1.2     Creating Windowed Programs and Applets.

1.3     AWT Controls and Layout Managers: Use of AWT Controls: Labels, Buttons, Checkbox, Checkbox Group, Scroll Bars, Text Field, Text Area.

1.4     Use of Layout Managers: FlowLayout, BorderLayout, GridLayout, CardLayout, GridBagLayout, Menu Bars, Menus, Dialog Boxes, File Dialog.


  1. Swings

2.1     Introduction to Swing: Swing Features, Difference between AWT and Swing.

2.2     Swing Components: JApplet, Icons and Labels, Text Fields, Combo Boxes.

2.3     Buttons: The JButton, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons.

2.4     Advanced Swing Components: Tabbed Panes, Scroll Panes, Trees, Tables, Progressbar, Tooltips.

2.5     MVC Architecture.


  1. Event Handling                  

3.1     The Delegation Event Model: Event Sources, Event Listeners.

3.2     Event    Classes: The Action Event Class, The Item Event Class, The Key Event Class, The Mouse Event Class, The Text Event Class, The Window Event Class.

3.3     Adapter Classes.

3.4     Inner Classes.

3.5     Event Listener Interfaces: ActionListener Interface, ItemListener Interface, KeyListener Interface, MouseListener Interface, MouseMotion Interface, TextListener Interface, WindowsListener Interface.


  1. Networking Basics            

4.1     Socket Overview: Client/Server, Reserved Sockets, Proxy Servers, Internet Addressing.

4.2     Java and the Net: The Networking Classes and Interfaces.

4.3     InetAddress: Factory Methods, Instance Methods.

4.4     TCP/IP Client Sockets: Whois

4.5     URL: Format, The URI Class.

4.6     URLConnection: TCP/IP Server Sockets.

4.7     Datagrams: Datagram Packet, Datagram Server and Client.


  1. Interacting with Database

5.1     Introduction to JDBC, ODBC.

5.2     JDBC Architecture: Two Tier and Three Tier Models.

5.3     Types of JDBC Drivers.

5.4     Driver Interfaces and Driver Manager Class: Connection Interface Statement Interface, Prepared Statement Interface, ResultSet Interface.

5.5     The Essential JDBC Program.


  1. Servlets

6.1     The Life Cycle of a Servlet.

6.2     Creating Simple Servlet: The Servlet API, javax.servlet Package, Servlet Interface, ServletConfig Interface, ServletContext Interface, ServletRequest Interface, ServletResponse Interface, GenericServlet Class.

6.3     The javax.servlet.http, Package: HttpServletRequest Interface, HttpServletResponse Interface, HttpSession Interface, Cookie Class, HttpServlet Class, HttpSessionEvent Class, HttpSessionBindingEvent Class.

6.4     Handling HTTP Requests and Responses, Handling HTTP GET Requests, Handling HTTP POST Requests.

6.5     Cookies and Session Tracking.

Additional information
Weight 340 g
Dimensions 30 × 24 × 1 cm


Semester - Year

Semester 5 (Third Year TY)


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