CO-OPERATIVE BANKING AND CREDIT SOCIETIES for GDC&A and Other Co-operative and Departmental Examinations

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Authors Name A T VAZE
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Twelfth
Pages 210
Language English
Publishing Year Jan-2023

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1 Principles, Definitions And Functions of Banking
2 Co-operative Banking-Special Features
3 Co-operative Banking-Agriculture And Non-Agriculture
4 Salary Earners Co-operative Bank, UCB, RRB
5 Negotiable Instruments
6 Banker-Customer Relationship
7 Clearing House, Mutual Arrangement Scheme
8 New Economic And Financial Reforms- Implication to Co-operative Banking
9 Banking & Information Technology
10 Org. & Function of Apex Bank MSCB, DCCB, NHB, MASCARD
11 RBI-Functions, Role And functions of NABARD
12 RBI Act, 1934
13 Banking Regulation Act, 1949 as Applicable to co-operative Societies
14 Policy of RBI for Registration of UCB
15 Deposit insurance And credit Gurantee Corporation (DICGC)
16 Management of Loans And Advances
17 Recovery Mechanism in UCB
18 Income Recognition, Non-performing Assets
19 Co-operative Credit Societies
20 Audit of Co-operative Credit Societies

Additional information
Weight 242 g
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 1.5 cm



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      CO-OPERATIVE BANKING AND CREDIT SOCIETIES for GDC&A and Other Co-operative and Departmental Examinations