COMMUNICATION SKILLS (First Year B.Pharm. – Semester 1)

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Authors Name Dr. Meenu Pandey
ISBN 13 9789386700865
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Eleventh
Pages 124
Language English
Publishing Year May-2023

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Check Syllabus & Content Structure

1 Communication skill
2 Barriers to communication
3 Perspectives in communication
4 Elements of communication
5 Communication styles
6 Basic listening skills
7 Effective written communication
8 Interview skills
9 Giving presentations
10 Group discussion

About the Book :

The objective of this book is to introduce students to the world of communications in a global context and equip them with the communication skills necessary to operate effectively within the corporate world in order to highlight their strengths and promote their potential in an increasingly competitive market. The book provides a strong theoretical foundation of organizational communication for the business and professional communication. Featuring coverage of the most up-to-date skill set available, the book considers the rapid changes in professional communication due to the global economy, advances in information technology, and an increasingly diverse workforce. The authors’ engaging narrative style, the unique CCCD model (Choosing, Creating, Coordinating, and Delivering) for building presentation competencies.

The study material in the ’Communication Skills‘ helps the students to refine their written and verbal communication skills so that they can effectively inform and persuade different readers in different contexts.

Additional information
Weight 143 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 1 (First Year – FY)


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      COMMUNICATION SKILLS (First Year B.Pharm. – Semester 1)