HERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY – For TY BPharm – Semester 6 | Dr. Santram Lodhi, Dr. Md Rageeb Md Usman | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Santram Lodhi , Dr. Md. Rageeb Md. Usman , Dr. Tushar A. Deshmukh , Vaibhav M. Darvhekar , Dr. Mohan Lal Kori
ISBN 13 9789389108019
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Third
Pages 292
Language English
Publishing Year Apr-2022

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Chapter 1: Herbs as Raw Materials
Chapter 2: Biodynamic Agriculture
Chapter 3: Traditional Medicine
Chapter 4: Nutraceuticals
Chapter 5: Interaction
Chapter 6: Herbal Cosmetics
Chapter 7: Herbal Excipients
Chapter 8: Herbal Formulations
Chapter 9: Evaluation of Crude Drugs
Chapter 10: Patenting and Regulatory Requirements of Natural Products
Chapter 11: Introduction to Herbal Industry
Chapter 12: Good Manufacturing Practice of India Systems of Medicine

Additional information
Weight 420 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 3 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 6 (Third Year TY)


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      Third Year Bpharm Textbooks
      HERBAL DRUG TECHNOLOGY – For TY BPharm – Semester 6 | Dr. Santram Lodhi, Dr. Md Rageeb Md Usman | Nirali Prakashan