About The Book :
The book has three major sections: the important paraphrases, prose versions of the play, and background as well as characterization. It is imperative to have learnt the specific scenes beforehand in class, to get a truly rounded understanding of Shakespeare’s ‘The Merchant of Venice’, and to be able to connect the paraphrases lines, or the novel-form acts.
Paraphrases are meant for one purpose : to simplify the text in English. The Acts in prose, however, are important for more than that reason – they help imagine the scene due to complete descriptions of setting and costume, actions and expressions, which are not as detailed within the play version, the simple reason being that the play was written to be enacted and all these details would be clearly visible to the audience. Reading the prose section also provides a method for quick revision, through mention of most details
as present in the play, and with the added benefit of smooth flowing action which makes memorizing the sequence of events easier.
The last section includes characterization, and certain themes and backgrounds that I have found to be quite interesting and useful. After all, we learn Literature in school to better our own thought and mindset, understand perspectives and history, and so much more. It’s not just an exam. Keep in mind that the interpretations of character are my own, and if taught something else in school, stick to the teacher’s words. My descriptions are here to add another view on the behaviors and personalities of these characters, and if
you agree with what I have written, you may use these exact words at your own discretion.
Do go through the backgrounds as they provide meaningful context for why
certain things are said, or why Shylock as a Jew plays the role of a villain, especially from the eyes of the Christian majority in Elizabethan England.
On that note, onward! I do hope this book will provide the help you need while
studying ‘The Merchant of Venice’.
Table of Contents :
1. Act I : Scene 1/2/3 | 1 − 11
2. Act 1 : A Simplification in Prose | 12 − 32
3. Act II : Scene 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9 | 33 − 46
4. Act 2 : A Simplification in Prose | 47 − 78
5. Act III : Scene 1/2/3/4/5 | 79 − 89
6. Act 3 : A Simplification in Prose | 90 − 114
7. Act IV : Scene 1/2 | 115 − 121
8. Act 4 : A Simplification in Prose | 122 − 139
9. Act V : Scene I | 140 − 143
10. Act 5 : A Simplification in Prose | 144 − 160
11. Analyzing Character | 161 − 167
12. Analyzing Setting | 168 − 179
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