PHARMACOLOGY 1 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. Mahesh Prasad | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Mahesh Prasad , Dr. Kalpesh Gaur , Dr. Mandeep Kumar Arora , Dr. Rupesh K Gautam
ISBN 13 9789388706780
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition 3rd
Pages 224
Language English
Publishing Year April 2023

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1. General Pharmacology (I)
2. General Pharmacology (II)
3. Pharmacology of Drugs acting on Peripheral Nervous System
4. Pharmacology of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System (I)
5. Pharmacology of Drugs acting on Central Nervous System (II)

About the Book :

It gives immense pleasure to introduce the book, Pharmacology-I. The book has been strictly written as per the syllabus prescribed by Pharmacy Council of India for pharmacy students.

An attempt has been made to explore the subject in a simple language which can be easily understandable for students. Tables, figures etc have been included in order to make topics clear and easily understandable for students.

It is our sincere hope that both the students and teachers will find this book content useful and significant. Drug information is increasing day by day. This is mainly due to an increase in the rate of introduction of new drugs and an increase in the number and depth of published work on both, new as well as existing drugs. Above facts necessitated addition of all recent information wherever it deserves, while presenting this book.

Additional information
Weight 350 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 2 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 4 (Second Year – SY)


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      Second Year Bpharm Textbooks
      PHARMACOLOGY 1 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. Mahesh Prasad | Nirali Prakashan