PRACTICAL BOOK OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY – For FY BPharm – Semester 1 and 2 | Dr. Shilpa Deshpande, Dr. Niraj Vyawahare, Prashant Amale, Dr. Devendra Shirode | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Shilpa A. Deshpande , Dr. Devendra S. Shirole , Prashant N. Amale , Dr. Niraj S. Vyawahare
ISBN 13 9789387686007
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Sixth
Pages 80
Language English
Publishing Year Jul-2022

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1 Study of compound microscope
2 Determination of bleeding time
3 Determination of clotting time
4 Estimation of haemoglobin content
5 Determination of blood group
6 Determination of erythrocyte sedimentation rate
7 Introduction to hemocytometry
8 Enumeration of white blood corpuscles count
9 Enumeration of total red blood corpuscles count

Additional information
Weight 120 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 1 (First Year – FY)


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      First Year Bpharm Semester 1 Textbooks
      PRACTICAL BOOK OF HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY – For FY BPharm – Semester 1 and 2 | Dr. Shilpa Deshpande, Dr. Niraj Vyawahare, Prashant Amale, Dr. Devendra Shirode | Nirali Prakashan