PRACTICAL BOOK OF PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS 2 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. Ashok A. Hajare | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Ashok Hajare
ISBN 13 9789388293754
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition 4th
Pages 86
Language English
Publishing Year July 2024

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1. Determination of particle size, particle size distribution using sieving method.
2. Determination of particle size, particle size distribution using Microscopic method.
3. Determination of bulk density, true density and porosity.
4. Determin the angle of repose and influence of lubricant on angle of repose.
5. Determination of viscosity of liquid using Ostwald’s viscometer.
6. Determination sedimentation volume with effect of different suspending agent.
7. Determination sedimentation volume with effect of different concentration of single suspending agent.
8. Determination of viscosity of semisolid by using Brookfield viscometer.
9. Determination of reaction rate constant first order.
10. Determination of reaction rate constant second order.
11. Accelerated stabiity studies.

Additional information
Weight 150 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 4 (Second Year – SY)


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      Second Year Bpharm Textbooks
      PRACTICAL BOOK OF PHYSICAL PHARMACEUTICS 2 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. Ashok A. Hajare | Nirali Prakashan