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SECOND HAND BOOKS | Marketing Research An Applied Orientation | Pearson Education Limited

Authors Name Naresh K Malhotra, Satyabhushan Dash
ISBN 13 9788131731819
Publisher Pearson
Edition 6TH
Language English
Publishing Year

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Table of Contents :

PART I Introduction and Early Phases of Marketing Research
Introduction to Marketing Research
Defining the Marketing Research Problem and Developing an Approach
PART II Research Design Formulation
Research Design
Exploratory Research Design: Secondary Data
Exploratory Research Design: Qualitative Research
Descriptive Research Design: Survey and Observation
Causal Research Design: Experimentation
Measurement and Scaling: Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling
Measurement and Scaling: Noncomparative Scaling Techniques
Questionnaire and Form Design
Sampling: Design and Procedures
Sampling: Final and Initial Sample Size Determination
PART III Data Collection, Preparation, Analysis, andReporting
Data Preparation
Frequency Distribution, Cross-Tabulation, and Hypothesis Testing
Analysis of Variance and Covariance
Correlation and Regression
Discriminant and Logit Analysis
Factor Analysis
Cluster Analysis
Multidimensional Scaling and Conjoint Analysis
Structural Equation Modeling and Path Analysis
Report Preparation and Presentation
International Marketing Research

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