द पॉवर ऑफ हॅबिट | वॉव पब्लिशिंग्ज् (Wow Publishing)

Authors Name चार्ल्स डुहीग, मोहन गोखले
ISBN 13 9789387696976
Publisher वॉव पब्लिशिंग्ज् (Wow Publishing)
Language Marathi
Publishing Year

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Personality development/Self-help book/The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business is a book by Charles Duhigg, a New York Times reporter, published in February 2012 by Random House. It explores the science behind habit creation and reformation. The book reached the best seller list for The New York Times, Amazon.com, and USA Today.


Additional information
Weight 321 g
Dimensions 21.5 × 14 cm
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    द पॉवर ऑफ हॅबिट | वॉव पब्लिशिंग्ज् (Wow Publishing)