DEEP LEARNING (For DBATU – Final Year B. Tech Course In Computer Engineering / Computer Science And Engineering Also Useful For Information Technology – Semester 7)

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Authors Name Dr. Kavita P. Moholkar, Nitin N. Sakhare, Dr. Nilesh P. Sable, Dr. Anup W. Ingle
ISBN 13 9788119116805
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition First
Pages 139
Language English
Publishing Year Oct-23

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Unit I: Introduction to Deep Learning
Unit II: Gradient Decent and PCA
Unit III: Normalization and Regularization in Deep Learning
Unit IV: Neural Networks: Convolutional Neural Networks
Unit V: Neural Networks: Recurrent Neural Networks
Model Question Papers

Additional information
Weight 280 g
Dimensions 28 × 22 × 1 cm

Semester - Year

Semester 7 (Final Year)




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    DEEP LEARNING (For DBATU – Final Year B. Tech Course In Computer Engineering / Computer Science And Engineering Also Useful For Information Technology – Semester 7)