Endangered Animals – Species Facing Extinction & The Threats To Their Habitats | Parragon Publishing

Authors Name Willi Dolder, Ursula Dolder Pippke
ISBN 13 9781407556970
Publisher Parragon Publishing
Pages 256
Language English
Publishing Year 2009

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Encyclopedia | Hardcover
About the Book: Endangered Animals It is estimated that over the past 500 years approx. 1500 animal species have disappeared from Earth from the tiny dying poison frog from Central America to the huge aurochs that roamed European forests until the seventeenth centurey. With the aid of over 500 spectacular photographs informative charts and detailed maps this book portrays numerous endangered animal species from all over the world among them the basking shark the poisondart frog the Indian gherial and the gorilla.
10 years and above
Additional information
Weight 1660 g
Dimensions 31.5 × 25 cm
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    Endangered Animals – Species Facing Extinction & The Threats To Their Habitats | Parragon Publishing