Authors Name Mukesh N Gangrade
ISBN 13 9789389944563
Edition First
Pages 241
Language English
Publishing Year Mar 2020

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For the construction of structures like buildings, canals, bridges, roads, water tanks, tunnels etc. estimates are required to be prepared.  Thus, a text book on “Estimating and Costing” is written for the benefit of VI semester students of diploma in Civil Engineering group.

This subject is very important for all Civil Engineering students. This book is written according to the new curriculum of SBTE, Jharkhand.

This book has latest rates of materials and labour and also has information about D.S.R. for 2018-2019.

Though the book is written for diploma students but it is very informative about estimates and its procedure and may be very helpful to students of degree in Engineering and Professional Engineers working in field.

This book also fulfill the requirements of curriculum of AMIE, B.Tech. and other civil engineering courses for autonomous institutes.  This book is also helpful to candidates aspirins to appear UPSC and MPSC both.

While writing this book, efforts have been made to make this book student oriented. The subject matter is presented in simple and lucid language.

This book has many solved examples which are required to understand the subject and are required to be practiced by students from examination point of view. Students can prepare estimates, rates analysis and also able to calculate material required for a project.

Key features of this book are :
• Technical matter is written in simple and lucid language.
• All chapters are covered with important points and practice questions.
• About the chapter is written at the beginning of chapter to give a brief idea of the content of the chapter.
• Each chapter of this book is incorporated with suitable sketches whenever necessary.

Table of Contents :

1) Introduction

Meaning of the terms estimating and costing, Purpose of estimating, methods of estimating, Various Performa used in estimates: Measurement/Quantity Sheet, Abstract sheet & material consumption statement form, Types of estimate-Approximate and Detailed.

2) Approximate estimate
Plinth area rate method, Cubical Content method, Service Unit method and its application, Typical bay method, Approximate Quantity method, problems.

3) Detailed Estimate
Type of detailed estimate and its uses, Detailed estimate, Revised estimate, Supplementary estimate, Revised & supplementary estimate, Maintenance & Repair estimate, Unit quantity method, Total quantity method, Data required for detailed estimate. Factors to be considered during preparation of detailed estimate, Preparing checklist–by adoption of Sequence of execution and describing item of works. Detailed estimate of various items of Load bearing Structure by Long Wall and short wall & Centerline method, for single room and two room with verandah and other residential and public building. Detailed estimate Double storeyed residential building with staircase. Estimate of Inclined roof building with King post and queen post truss. Detailed Estimate of Framed Structure building by centre line method of slab, lintel, T- beam and Column with foundation. Preparation of bar bending schedule. Percentage of reinforcement for various structural members, Detailed estimate of Roof slab culvert, pipe culvert and Bridge with return wall and straight splayed wing wall.

4) Mode of Measurements
Units of Measurements for different item of works as perIS1200 &As per PWD specification Book. Desired accuracy in taking measurements of various items of works, Rules of deductions for openings as per IS 1200 for brick work, plastering, painting

5) Rate Analysis
Market Rate and labour rate. Transportation of Materials, capacity of conveyance for different materials. Transportation Charges. Labour – Categories of labours, labour rates, overhead charges, contractor’s profit, water charges. Preparing rate analysis of different items of work viz P.C.C., Brick work, RCC works, Plastering, flooring only. District Schedule of rates, completed rates & labour rates.

6) Estimate for Earthwork
Concept of Lead and Lift. Framing estimate by taking out quantities of Earthwork of Road and Irrigation Canal embankment using mean area and earthwork of BBM septic tank for 25 user, Community well for 10m dia.


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Weight 500 g
Dimensions 28 × 23 × 2 cm
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    Third Year Diploma Semester 6 Civil Engineering Textbooks