PHARMA MARKETING MANAGEMENT – Course Code – BP803ET – For Final Year BPharm – Semester 8 | Dr. Rupesh K Gautam, Dr. Ankit Jain | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Rupesh K. Gautam , Dr. Ankit Jain , Dr. Shailendra Bhatt , Prof. (Dr.) Vipin Saini
ISBN 13 9789389944754
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Fourth
Pages 104
Language English
Publishing Year Aug-2022

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1. Marketing and Pharmaceutical Market,

1.1 Introduction

1.2 The Concepts of Marketing

1.3 Scope of Marketing

1.4 Distinction between Marketing and Selling

1.5 Marketing Environment

1.6 Industry and Competitive Analysis

1.6.1 Industry Analysis | 1.6.2 Competitor Analysis

1.7 Introduction to Buyer Behaviour

1.8 Industrial Buying Behaviour

1.9 Pharmaceutical Market

1.10 Size and Composition of Market

1.11 Demographic Descriptions and Socio-psychological Characteristics of the Consumer

1.12 Market Segmentation and Targeting

1.13 Consumer Profile

1.14 Motivation and Prescribing Habits of the Physician

1.15 Patients’ choice of Physician and Retail Pharmacist

1.16 Market Analysis: Dimensions

1.17 Role of Market Research

2. Product Decision, 

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Classification

2.3 Product Line and Product Mix Decisions

2.4 Product Life Cycle (PLC)

2.5 Analysis of Product Portfolio

2.6 Product Positioning

2.7 New Product Decisions

2.8 Product Branding, Packaging and Labelling Decisions

2.8.1 Branding | 2.8.2 Packaging | 2.8.3 Labelling

2.9 Product Management in Pharmaceutical Industry

3. Promotion ,

3.1 Definition

3.2 Methods

3.3 Determinants of Promotional Mix

3.4 Promotional Budget

3.5 An Overview of Personal Selling

3.6 Advertising

3.7 Direct mail

3.8 Journals

3.9 Sampling

3.10 Retailing

3.11 Medical Exhibition

3.12 Public Relations

3.13 Online Promotional Techniques for OTC Products

4. Pharmaceutical Marketing Channels ,

4.1 Designing Channel and Channel Members

4.2 Selecting the Appropriate Channel

4.3 Conflict in Channels

4.4 Physical Distribution Management: Strategic Importance, Tasks in Physical Distribution Management

4.5 Tasks in Physical Distribution Management

4.6 Professional Sales Representative (PSR) | 4.6.1 Duties of PSR

4.7 Purpose of Detailing, Selection and Training, Supervising

4.8 Norms for Customer Calls

4.9 Motivating, Evaluating, Compensation and Future Prospects of the PSR

5. Pricing ,

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Meaning

5.3 Importance of Pricing

5.4 Objectives

5.5 Pricing Methods and Pricing Strategies

5.6 An Overview of DPCO (Drug Price Control Order) and NPPA (National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority)

5.7 National Pharmaceutical Pricing Authority (NPPA)

6. Emerging Concepts in Marketing 

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Vertical and Horizontal Marketing

6.3 Rural Marketing

6.4 Consumerism

6.5 Industrial Marketing

6.6 Global Marketing

Additional information
Weight 200 g
Dimensions 25 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 8 (Final Year)


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    Final Year Bpharm Textbooks
    PHARMA MARKETING MANAGEMENT – Course Code – BP803ET – For Final Year BPharm – Semester 8 | Dr. Rupesh K Gautam, Dr. Ankit Jain | Nirali Prakashan