PHARMACEUTICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY – First Year FY BPharm – Semester 1 | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Shivakumar Swamy , S G Walode , Bidya Bhushan
ISBN 13 9789386700605
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition 10th
Pages 211
Language English
Publishing Year July 2024

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1. Introduction to pharmaceutical inorganic chemistry

2. Pharmacopoeia and monographs
3. Impurities in pharmaceutical substances and limit tests
4. Acids, bases and buffers
5. Major intra and extracellular electrolytes
6. Dental products
7. Gastrointestinal agents
8. Topical agents
9. Miscellaneous compounds
10. Radio pharmaceuticals
11. Identification tests for anions
– Index
– References

Additional information
Weight 300 g
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 1 (First Year – FY)


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    PHARMACEUTICAL INORGANIC CHEMISTRY – First Year FY BPharm – Semester 1 | Nirali Prakashan