काढणीपश्‍चात तंत्रज्ञान (POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY)

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Authors Name प्रा. चंद्रकांत रा. अकोलकर (CHANDRAKANT R AKOLKAR)
ISBN 13 9789386700674
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition Third
Pages 254
Language Marathi
Publishing Year Oct-2021

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1 Scope and importance of post harvest technology
2 Pre and post harvest management of horticultural crops
3 Principles and methods of preservation
4 Spollage of fruits vegetable and their products
5 Chemical preservation
6 Canning and bottling
7 Preservation of juices of fruits vegetable beverages
8 Pickling and sauces
9 Drying of dehydration methods
10 Jam jellies and marmalades
11 Candies and preserves

Additional information
Weight 300 g
Dimensions 22 × 15 × 1.5 cm



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      काढणीपश्‍चात तंत्रज्ञान (POST HARVEST TECHNOLOGY)