PRACTICALS IN CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL TECHNIQUES (ZOO-152-P) for F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology : Semester 2 | Dr. Kishore R. Pawar, Dr. Ashok E. Desai | Nirali Prakashan

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Authors Name Dr. Kishore R. Pawar, Dr. Ashok E. Desai
ISBN 13 9789361093364
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Edition First
Pages 116
Language English
Publishing Year Mar-25

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1. Visualization of Animal Cells
2. Visualization of Plant Cells
3. Principle and Working of Simple and Compound Microscope
4. Measurement of Microscopic Objects using Micrometry
5. Identification of Ultrastructure of Different Cell Organelles from Electron Micrographs / Video
6. Staining and Visualization of Mitochondria by Janus Green-B Stain
7. Permanent Slides of Mitosis and Meiosis
8. Preparation of Temporary Stained Squash of Onion Root Tip to Study Various Stages of Mitosis
9. Preparation of Temporary Stained Squash of Onion Flower Buds/Grasshopper Testis to Study Various Stages of Meiosis
10. Visualization of Nuclear Fraction by Acetocarmine Stain
11. Lab Safety Techniques and Sterilization
12. Principle and Working of Centrifugation and Chromatography
13. Principle and Working of Spectroscopy, Electrophoresis and Microtomy
14. Principle of ECG, Ultrasound / Sonography, PCR
15. Haemoglobin Estimation using Sahli’s Haemometer
16. Differential Leucocyte Count
17. Total RBC Count in Blood by using Hemocytometer
18. Total WBC Count in blood by using Hemocytomete
19. Urine Analysis Normal and Abnormal Constituents
20. Uric Acid Crystal Examination in Urine

Additional information
Weight 170 g
Dimensions 24 × 18 × 1 cm



Semester - Year

Semester 2 (First Year – FY)


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    PRACTICALS IN CELL BIOLOGY AND BIOMEDICAL TECHNIQUES (ZOO-152-P) for F.Y.B.Sc. Zoology : Semester 2 | Dr. Kishore R. Pawar, Dr. Ashok E. Desai | Nirali Prakashan