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Shear Force and Bending Moment – Chapter 5 eBook – Strength of Materials


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Authors Name Rajendra Bade
Publisher Nirali Prakashan
Pages 70
Language English
Publishing Year

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5.1 Introduction
5.2 Beams
5.2.1 Types of Supports
5.2.2 Types of Beams
5.2.3 Types of Loads
5.3 Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment
5.3.1 Shear Force in a Beam
5.3.2 Bending Moment in a Beam
5.3.3 Axial Force in a Beam
5.3.4 Relation Between Intensity of Loading, Shear Force and Bending Moment
5.3.5 Mathematical Expressions for Variation of Shear Force and
Bending Moment along a Beam
5.4 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
5.4.1 Points to Remember While Constructing Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams
5.4.2 Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Beams with Internal Hinges
5.5 Shear Force, Bending Moment Diagrams for Single Standard Loading
5.5.1 Cantilevers with Single Point Load or Single Couple
5.5.2 Cantilevers with Single Uniformly Distributed Load
5.5.3 Cantilevers with Single Uniformly Varying Load
5.5.4 Simply Supported Beams with Single Couple or Single Point Load
5.5.5 Simply Supported Beams with Uniformly Distributed Load or Uniformly Varying Load
5.6 Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams for
Statically Determinate 3-Member Portal Frames
5.6.1 Statically Determinate/Indeterminate Frames
5.6.2 Statically Determinate, 3-Member Portal Frames Without Internal Hinge
5.6.3 Statically Determinate 3-Member Portal Frames With Internal Hinges
• Summary
• Exercise

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