B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
नवे शैक्षणिक मूल्यमापन आणि संख्याशास्त्र | श्रीविद्या प्रकाशन
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
शैक्षणिक संशोधन व संख्याशास्त्र (SHAIKSHANIK SANSHODHAN VA SANKHYASHASTRA)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
SCHOOL AND INCLUSIVE SCHOOL (Paper No. 203) – S.Y. B.Ed. | PROF. KULKARNI | Pragati Books
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
शैक्षणिक मानसशास्त्रीय संख्याशास्त्र | श्रीं विद्या प्रकाशन (Shree Vidya Prakashan)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
मूल्यशिक्षण संकल्पना व कार्यवाही | पुणे विद्यार्थी गृह प्रकाशन (Pune Vidyarthi Griha)
B.Ed (Bachelor of Education)
माध्यमिक शिक्षणाची कार्यपद्धती | नित्य नूतन प्रकाशन (Nitya Nutan Prakashan)