Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
BIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY : Zoology (ZO-353) : Paper-3 (Third Year TYBSc Semester 5)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS 2 for FYBSc Semester 2 | Nirali Prakashan
1. BA (NEP) Books for Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
LaTex FOR SCIENTIFIC WRITING : SEC : MT-3511 (Third Year TY BSc / TY BA Semester 5)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
ARCHEGONIATE : Botany (BO 352) Paper 2 (Third Year BSc Semester 5)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
PLANT ECOLOGY: Botany (BO-354) Paper-4 (Third Year TY BSc Semester 5)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
PRACTICAL ZOOLOGY (ZOO-233 and ZOO-243) – SY BSc – Semester 3 and Semester 4
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
HAND BOOK OF BOTANY PRACTICALS: Botany (BO-367, BO-368 & BO-369) (Third Year BSc Semester 6)