Chemical Engineering Reference Textbooks
Diploma Pharmacy (D.Pharm.)
PHARMACY LAW AND ETHICS (Second Year SY Diploma Pharm. PCI – ER 2020)
BBA CA (Computer Application) (NEP) Books for Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus
Diploma Pharmacy (D.Pharm.)
PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY (First Year FY Diploma in Pharm. PCI-ER 2020)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
LINEAR ALGEBRA (Mathematics (MT-241) Paper 1 SY BSc Semester 4)
B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
MICROBIOLOGY : Paper 2 (Air, Water and Soil Microbology SY BSc Semester 4)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus
B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus