Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - SPPU
Civil Engineering - SPPU
MECHANICS OF STRUCTURES (Civil Engg. Sem 3) SPPU | SAMEER SHAH | TechKnowledge Publications
Degree Engineering
DEEP LEARNING (IT Sem. 7) SPPU | PRAVIN GOYAL | TechKnowledge Publications
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science - SPPU
Computer & IT Engineering - MSBTE 'K' Scheme
Automobile Engineering - SPPU
2nd Semester - 1st Year All Branches of Engg - MSBTE's K Scheme
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - SPPU
Civil Engineering - SPPU
3rd Semester - 2nd Year of Engg - MSBTE's K Scheme
2nd Semester - 1st Year All Branches of Engg - MSBTE's K Scheme
1st Semester - 1st Year All Branches of Engg - MSBTE's K Scheme