B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus
PHARMACEUTICAL ORGANIC CHEMISTRY 3 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. Amit Mallya | Nirali Prakashan
Civil Engineering - DBATU
B.Pharmacy As Per P.C.I Regulations Syllabus
MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY 1 – For SY BPharm – Semester 4 | Dr. KG Bothara | Nirali Prakashan
Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (AIML) - MSBTE 'I' Scheme
Computer Engineering - DBATU
1st Semester - 1st Year All Branches of Engg - MSBTE's K Scheme
Computer Engineering - DBATU
PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS (Second Year (SY) B.Tech Computer Engineering Semester 4 DBATU)
1. BCom (NEP) Books for Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU)
BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 3: Production and Operations Management (Third Year BCom Semester 6)
Bachelor of Science (BSc) Textbooks
PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY-3: Chemistry (CH-602): Paper 2 (Third Year TY BSc Semester 6)
BSc / BSc CS / BCA (Science) / MSc / MSc CS Books